Experiment: Nizkorodov Lab_20180524_Fuels, diesel, C9-18-alkane branched and linear/nitric oxide_Hydroxyl radical_No Seed_Diesel SOA Production


Name: Nizkorodov Lab_20180524_Fuels, diesel, C9-18-alkane branched and linear/nitric oxide_Hydroxyl radical_No Seed_Diesel SOA Production
Date: 2018-05-24

Nizkorodov Lab

Nizkorodov Chamber

Experiment Set
Diesel SOA for liquid-liquid phase separation and viscosity within secondary organic aerosol generated from diesel fuel vapors

Make Diesel SOA to study viscosity and liquid-liquid phase separation of SOA from the photooxidation of diesel vapors.

Prepare SOA for diesel study from diesel #2 and OH at low relative humidity and high NOx.

Experiment Details


  • Aerosol formation
Temperature: 21.9
Relative Humidity: 0
Seeded Experiment: No
Fuchs Adjusted Surface Area:
Condensation sink rate coefficient: 0
Reaction type:
Oxidant Name: Hydroxyl radical
Initial Oxidant Concentration Value: 20000000 (molecules_per_cubic_centimeter)
RO2 Main Fate: NO
RO2 Lifetime: (Seconds)

Data Set plots
Choose a file: Choose the X-Axis:

Experiment Set Details

Name: Diesel SOA for liquid-liquid phase separation and viscosity within secondary organic aerosol generated from diesel fuel vapors
Time format and units:
Diesel SOA was prepared to study the impact of High NOx on diesel SOA phase state/viscosity.


  • Alexander Laskin Purdue University
  • Julia Laskin Purdue University
  • Manabu Shiraiwa University of California Irvine
  • Allan Bertram University of British Columbia


Principal investigator:

Sergey Nizkorodov
E-mail: nizkorod@uci.edu

Data Manager:

Alexandra Klodt
Phone: 6419541844
E-mail: aklodt@uci.edu


Reactant Compound type Concentration Concentration units
Fuels, diesel, C9-18-alkane branched and linear (381126387)
  • Alkane
220 Parts Per Billion
nitric oxide (145068)
  • NOx
260 Parts Per Billion

Diesel SOAMay242018timeline.csv Timeline

Time_UTC Event Description
17:30 started DOS injection , 30 minute injection = 150 ug/m3
18:18 injected VOC (50 ul C6, 40 ul C8, 25 uL C9, 18 uL C10) (fan on 1 min)
18:24 injected 26 Torr (2 L bulb) NO, Fan on 1 min
18:30 Injected 27 Torr MeNO2 ,Fan on 1 min
18:34 started UV cycle
20:06 started flush cycle to clean bag (experiment end)

Light Flux Characterizations:
Particle Loss Characterizations:
Vapor Loss Characterizations:

Chamber Details

Name: Nizkorodov Chamber
Volume in cubic meters: 5.6
Shape: Rectangular Prism
Surface area in cubic meters: 20
Flow Mode: Batch
Flow through rate in liters per minute:
Body Material: Teflon
Body thickness: 8
Replacement date: 2014-06-18
Replacement frequency: As needed
Cleaning method: Flushing with air with UV lights on Oxidation
o3 background:
nox background:
Particle background in micrograms per cubic meter:
Air filtration method: FTIR purge air generator
Mixing method: 0
Mixing method material:
Temparature Control: No
Temparature measurements recorded: Yes
Temparature range (min degrees celcius): 22
Temparature range (max degrees celcius): 29
Humidity Control: Yes
Humidity Measurements Recorded: Yes
Relative humidity range (min percent): 0
Relative humidity range (max percent): 100
Particle experiment capability: 1
Lights: Yes
Light source type(s): UVB Lamps
Supplemental information:
Additional Notes: