


Welcome to ICARUS! This video will tell you everything you need to know about setting up your account and uploading your experimental data.

To get started, you'll need to register. The drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the ICARUS homepage allows you to login with an existing account or sign up for a new account. You'll have to provide your name, email, and a password. Your email is only needed for the purposes of confirming your account and recovering your password. This means accounts can be shared among many members of a lab, as long as everyone knows the login email and account password. Alternatively, every individual in a lab can have their own account, and make use of our options to share data across accounts, which we'll cover in just a few seconds.

You should receive a confirmation email immediately, and after clicking the link you receive in the email, you can get started. The overview is the first screen you'll see after logging in. The overview displays the organizations, chambers, characterizations, publications, and experiments you've created within your account. The organization is the highest level of the information hierarchy in ICARUS; within your organization you'll have chambers, which themselves contain characterizations, instruments, and experiments sets, and those experiment sets contain the individual experiments that are searchable in ICARUS. We'll walk through each of these items individually in this video.

You can easily navigate between each of these categories of object you create on ICARUS using the navigation menu at the left. If your account is affiliated with multiple organizations, you'll only see the chambers and other items associated with the active organization, listed at the top left; you'll have to navigate back and select a different organization to see the those chambers and other items. 

At the bottom of this left-hand toolbar is header for "shared accounts"; if you click that, you'll see the usernames of other accounts that have access to your data or that have given you access to their data. If you'd like to have each individual in your lab using their own accounts, it can be useful to give other lab members access to your data so that you can all use the same chambers and don't have to re-enter information about instruments and characterizations. Simply enter the email address affiliated with any user's account at the bottom, click "add share", and they'll have access to your data on ICARUS.



Your first order of business in ICARUS will be to create an organization. The organization can be an individual's lab, or a shared chamber facility -- it's up to you how to define it. The tabs at top walk you through all the information to enter, with required fields marked with an asterisk.

The first page asks you to name the lab, the institution with which it's affiliated, and whether the lab is still active.

The second page asks for information about the lab PI and the data manager -- that is, the person who will be dealing with ICARUS the most. These can be the same person if you'd like. Names and emails are required, phone and ORCID numbers are suggested.

On the third tab you can write out statements that will be included with all downloads from ICARUS that include data from this organization, including legal constraints on the use of ICARUS data. These come pre-filled but can be edited here, and you can add any additional notes you want to go along with the data below. And that's it! Now your organization is created and you can see all the info you entered listed here. You can change this information at any time with the "edit organization" button.



The first step on the organization page is describing your experimental chambers. You can have as many chambers as you'd like associated with your organization, and you can decide whether to define a new chamber every time you, say, replace a bag, or just include that bag replacement in the description of the existing chamber. You can define your new chamber by clicking on the "create chamber" button here, and as with your organization, you can always edit this information later. Again, the tabs at top walk you through all the info to enter, with required fieldsdsdf sfs marked with an asterisk.

The first tab includes a description of the chamber and its maintenance protocols: you'll need to give your chamber a name, describe its physical operation parameters such as the size, shape, mode and flow, and material, optionally note when and how often the chamber bag is replaced, and pick a cleaning method or describe your own under "other"

The second tab describes chamber background & controls: if you have consistent background levels or limits for ozone, NOx, or particles, you can enter them here. Below, enter the methods for air filtration and mixing in the chamber, parameters for temperature and humidity control, and whether you can perform particle experiments in the chamber.

On the third tab, you can describe the lights used in the chamber, if any, and there's a space to enter any additional information you think is relevant but not listed previously, including links to descriptions of your chamber that can be found elsewhere online or in a publication.

Finally, there's a page for instruments. On ICARUS, instruments are created separately from chambers, so that once you've described an instrument once it can be linked to multiple chambers if you'd like. We'll talk about creating instruments next; once you have instruments created, they'll show up here, and you'll be able to link them to the chamber. Only instruments that are linked to the chamber can be used to upload experimental data or characterization data for that chamber. Once you've linked any instruments you want affiliated with your chamber -- and again, you can always come back and add more later -- you can finish creating your chamber by clicking the "create" button. 

If you've left any required fields blank, a pop-up will prompt you to go back and fill those out. Otherwise, you'll be taken to this screen, where you can see all the information you've entered about the chamber in this drop-down tab. If you want to change any of this information or link new instruments, all you have to do is click "edit chamber", and you'll be taken back through the four tabs to make any updates. This is also how you delete a chamber if you need to; once you're editing it, scroll to the bottom and click "delete" in the lower left. You'll be prompted to confirm your action, since it can't be undone; clicking "yes" to delete the chamber here will permanently remove it. If you'd like to create another chamber, you can either click "create chamber" here at the bottom, or click on this double-square button next to an existing chamber, with the hover-over text "create a similar chamber". This starts the process of making a new chamber but with all the fields already populated with the text you entered for the existing chamber, making it easy to create multiple similar chambers without having to re-type everything. 



Our next step is to make instruments. You'll need to enter instrument information to correspond with every data set you want to upload for both experiments and chamber characterizations. We use pre-defined instruments like this so that experimental metadata only have to be entered once. The information you provide about your instruments here can then be connected to any data set you provide from that instrument for future experiments. You may find it useful to define separate instruments on ICARUS for instances when you use the same physical instrument to acquire different types of data, which would make the affiliated metadata distinct. For example, we've created separate ICARUS instruments here for the positive, negative, and tandem modes of our chemical ionization mass spectrometer -- each with slightly different instrument descriptions that are specific to those modes. As long as you provide sufficient metadata, that's perfectly fine; how you separate your data and instruments is up to you.

On the left-hand menu, under the "miscellaneous items" header, click on "instruments". This is where all your instruments will be listed once they've been defined. To get started, click "create instrument". Again, the tabs at the top will walk you through the steps here, with required fields marked with asterisks.

The first tab focuses on the basic characteristics of your instrument. The short name can be whatever acronym you'd colloquially use to refer to your instrument, but the instrument full name should make sure to spell out all acronyms. In the "what is being measured?" field, it's helpful to be as specific as possible, for example including what families of compounds you're measuring and whether it's in the gas or particle phase. You'll have to specify whether it's an online or offline sampling protocol, and if it's a commercial instrument, we have a section here to enter the manufacturer and model information. In the raw time resolution and data averaging fields, be sure to specify your units. The detection limit field has a detailed definition below, and again, it's helpful to specify units here. There are optional fields to describe the instrumental sensitivities to temperature and humidity, if applicable, and how those are corrected, and finally there are optional sections to provide more detail about the sampling method, in case there are particular protocols for sample preparation before analysis like for a filter extraction, and about the use of tubing between the chamber and the instrument. 

The second tab has prompts to provide more detail about the analysis and calibration methods for your instrument. Although these fields are all optional, it's useful for future data users if you can give as much information as possible about how raw data are processed to provide the end product that you'll upload to ICARUS. For example, you can specify whether your data are corrected for wall losses, how individual chemical species are identified and quantified, and how frequently the instrument is recalibrated. We have examples written below most fields that can give you some ideas of what would be helpful here.

The third is more specifically about the data you'll be uploading to ICARUS from this instrument, and most importantly, what the units and uncertainty are on those measurements. At the top we have a required field to describe how measurement uncertainty is estimated, along with optional fields for any known interferences and additional notes you might want to add, including references to any papers or websites where the instrument is described in more detail. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, at the bottom we ask you to write out specific information about the data fields you'll upload to ICARUS, namely, the uncertainty and the units. 

The "number of headers to skip" field tells ICARUS how many header lines you'll have in CSV files uploaded from this instrument. These header rows won't be deleted or anything, it's just helpful so that when ICARUS tries to display the data for users before they download it, it knows where to start looking for numerical data and which fields to treat as names for each data column. Finally, if you're going to use any abbreviations in your column headers from this instrument or any acronyms or technical terms, please spell those out clearly in the "header name definitions" field. And now you just click "create" and your instrument will appear.

You'll see all the information you entered about your instrument in this drop-down menu, and you can change your entries at any time with this "edit instrument" button at the bottom. You can also use this shortcut button that looks like two squares at the top to create a similar instrument, which will take you back to the tabs for creating a new instrument but with all the fields already filled out identically to the old instrument. If you want to delete an instrument, you'll have to click "edit instrument", scroll to the bottom, and on the lower-left, click "delete". You'll be prompted to confirm your action, since it can't be undone; clicking "yes" to delete the instrument here will permanently remove it.

Now, if you click on "instruments" in the left-hand column, you'll see your newly created instrument appears in the list, and you also have the option to create similar instruments directly from this list. Finally, you'll want to link your instrument to your chamber so that you can upload data for that instrument. To do so, click on your chamber in the left-hand column, and click "edit chamber". In the fourth tab, labeled "instruments", you should see your newly created instrument listed without a check mark. Simply click the box so the check mark appears, then click save at the bottom, and now your instrument will be linked to this chamber. You can check that it's linked by looking at the "instruments" tab under the "chamber descendants" header, where you should see your new instrument listed. Now you'll be able to upload experimental data and chamber characterizations associated with this instrument. 



An optional next step is defining publications. Similar to how we define instruments such that they can be linked to multiple chambers and experiments, we allow you to enter information for relevant publications in one central location, such that they can then be linked to multiple experiments or experiment sets, so you don't have to re-type this information multiple times. 

On the left-hand menu, under the "miscellaneous items" header, click on "publications". This one only has one tab, where you can enter the relevant information for your publication, including the title, authors, DOI, journal abbreviation, year, and publisher, along with optional boxes to enter the abstract and any other notes you'd like ICARUS users to see with the publication details. Guidelines for formatting are listed under each text box; for example, please use author surnames and initials, separated either by commas or semicolons, for the author list, and don't include the website prefix for the DOI. 

Once you've entered all the information, click "create" at the bottom, and you'll see the listing you've created for the publication. As you can see, the DOI becomes a live link, and you can always edit the information    you've entered by clicking "edit publication" below. If you click "all publications" at the bottom (or "publications" on the left-tab sidebar), you'll be taken back to the list of all your entered publications, where you can sort by any parameter simply by clicking on the double arrows, and where you can find the button to create additional publications.



Once you've made an instrument to go with your chamber, you'll be able to upload chamber characterization data to describe the light flux, particle wall loss, and vapor wall loss measured in your chamber. Later, when you make an experiment on ICARUS, you'll be able to quickly link it to a chamber characterization, so you can easily tell users, for example, what light flux and wall loss corrections were applied in that experiment. While these are technically optional, they can be extremely helpful for subsequent users to understand your data better, and particularly to determine whether or how your experimental data have been or should be corrected for wall losses. So we encourage everyone to upload at least one characterization from each type, assuming they're applicable for your chamber of choice.

You can access characterizations in two ways -- either by clicking on your chamber in the left-hand menu, scrolling down, and selecting the characterization type by its tab under the "chamber descendants" heading, or by clicking directly on "characterizations" in the left-hand menu. Similar to the other objects we've created so far, you'll see a list of characterizations you've previously created, with some relevant parameters displayed, and the option either to duplicate an existing characterization with this double-square button at right, or to add a new characterization by clicking the "create" button at the bottom. 

Next we'll walk through what a characterization calls for -- all three characterization types have a similar setup here. Once you click "create", you'll have three tabs to step through. Under the first "general" tab, you'll be asked to name the characterization, ideally with something that quickly tells users the settings for any variable parameters. You'll need to enter the date on which the characterization was performed, select the instrument used to perform the characterization from the list of instruments you've created and added to ICARUS, and optionally enter the time since the instrument was calibrated. 

On the next tab you'll enter the specific parameters for this characterization experiment. For the particle wall loss characterization shown here, this tab asks for the temperature, humidity, particle composition, the size range of your particle measurements, and the method by which particles were generated. Don't forget to include the units on your size range! For vapor wall loss characterizations, instead of describing the particles, this tab asks you to name the volatile compound or class of compounds used and how they were injected into the chamber. For light flux characterizations, this tab asks you to describe your chamber's lights, the fraction of them that were on during the experiment, and, if known, the light intensity or photolysis frequencies of common compounds like NO2 or hydrogen peroxide during the experiment.

The final tab is where you upload the data from the characterization. The top "experiment" section is slightly different for each characterization type, but generally asks for a brief narrative about how the experiment was conducted and how the results are used. For the particle wall loss characterization shown here, you're asked to describe how the experiment was performed, how data from the experiment were used to calculate wall loss rates, and the wall loss correction method that this experiment allows you to implement for future experiments.    For vapor wall loss characterizations, you'll again need to describe the experiment and how wall loss rates were calculated, and then there will be boxes asking whether a vapor wall loss parameterization was developed or implemented using these data and if so, to describe that parameterization. The light flux characterization just asks you to describe how data were collected and analyzed. 

Then, for all three types of characterization, there's a "miscellaneous" section for any additional notes you might have or links to other resources or publications that describe your characterization and correction methods, and finally, there's a spot to upload your characterization data. These data need to be in CSV format with the headers, formatting, and crucially the units that you previously described on the "instrument" page for whatever instrument you selected in the first tab. 

[You may find it helpful to create a specific ICARUS instrument exclusively for the purposes of characterization; for example, we've created a version of our scanning mobility particle sizer that we called "SMPS - particle wall loss rates", and within that instrument description we noted that the associated data would be in the form of loss rates with units of inverse minutes for discrete particle size bins.] ICARUS will automatically check the CSV formatting, and may give you an error if the formatting isn't compatible -- for example, if you've included commas in the header names, which the CSV will misinterpret as the header having more columns than the data. 

Once you've selected your file, simply hit the "create" button and you'll see your characterization experiment listed. It's now ready to be linked to uploaded experiments. If you want to see the details of your previously created characterizations, just click on the characterization name; you can scroll to the bottom to see the experiments that have been linked to this characterization, or to edit the characterization. Finally, if you want to delete a characterization, you'll have to click "edit characterization", scroll to the bottom, and in the lower-left, click "delete". You'll be prompted to confirm your action, since it can't be undone; clicking "yes" to delete the characterization will permanently remove it.



On ICARUS, uploaded experiments are always categorized within an experiment set, which itself is housed within a chamber. This means you'll need to create an experiment set before you can start uploading experiments. How you group your experiments into sets is entirely up to you; we've chosen to put experiments together when they're used for the same manuscript, but you may choose to have separate sets for individual reactants, or for individual lab group members, or any other distinguishing characteristic.

You can view your existing experiment sets for a given chamber by clicking on the chamber in the left-hand menu and scrolling to the "chamber descendants" heading, where "experiment sets" will be the default tab, or by clicking directly on "experiment sets" on the left-hand menu. As with the other objects we've created so far, you'll see a list of experiment sets you've previously created, with some relevant parameters displayed. You can click the arrow next to the experiment set name to see a list of experiments within the set. At right, for each experiment, you can either download the whole experiment set or create a new similar experiment set; this action won't duplicate all the existing experiments in the set -- it will just create a new empty set with similar descriptions and parameters.

To start defining a new experiment set, simply click the "create experiment set" button at the bottom, which brings up a short menu of fields to fill in. You'll need to give your experiment set a name, which can be anything you'd like, but should ideally include the feature that the experiments within the set will have in common. Then there's a blank in which you'll need to describe the experiment set. Here, it's helpful to describe in narrative terms the scope of the experiments that will be included in the set, their goals, what they had in common versus what parameters were varied between experiments, and anything else you think a future user may need to know about these experiments generally. The next field is for the time format; each experiment you upload will have a timeline, in which you'll list the actions taken during that experiment and when they were performed. This field is where you'll need to provide the time format and units that you'll use in those timelines. For example, we always use "hours colon minutes" format, but you can use seconds after midnight, or minutes after experiment start -- just be sure to specify here, and to note what defines the "experiment start" if you're using a time format that indexes to that. Also make sure to specify whether you use local time or UTC. Finally, at the bottom, there's a space to list any collaborators who may have worked with you on experiments within this set. 

[On the second tab, you'll be able to select, from among the publications you've previously uploaded to ICARUS, any that are associated with this data set -- that is, any that use data from experiments within this set. Since you may be creating your experiment set before a manuscript is published, this may not apply yet, but you can always come back and edit the experiment set to add publications here once the manuscript is published.]

Finally, you can click "create" at the bottom right, and you'll be taken to the main page for this experiment set. At the top, everything you just entered is displayed, and if you'd like to make any changes you can just click "edit experiment set". Below that, it lists the experiments within the set, which of course will start out as zero, and the publications you've linked to this experiment set. Under experiments, you'll see two buttons: the first is to "create an experiment", which we'll walk through in just a second. Because an experiment can be part of multiple sets, you'll also see an option here to "add existing experiment" to the experiment set. If you click this, you'll be taken to a drop-down list of your existing experiments, and you'll have the option to select one and add it to the newly created set; this experiment is now part of two different sets. Under the publications header, you'll also see options to add an existing publication you've already entered on ICARUS to the experiment set, or to add a new publication. Finally, if you want to delete an experiment set, you'll have to click "edit experiment set", scroll to the bottom, and in the lower-left, click "delete". You'll be prompted to confirm your action, since it can't be undone; clicking "yes" to delete the experiment set here will permanently remove it.



The last aspect of ICARUS we need to walk through is creating an experiment. Since experiments are nested within experiment sets, you'll need to be on an experiment set page to get started. Once you're in the set you want the experiment to be part of, under the "experiments" header, click "create experiment". Before we get started, I should point out here that at any time while making an experiment, you can scroll to the bottom and save your experiment as a draft and come back to it later, so you don't have to finish this all at once.

The first tab here asks for general information about the experiment. You'll need to select one or more categories for the experiment, and one or more reaction types for the experiment. You can select as many as you'd like under each header; you don't need to choose which selection most precisely fits the experimental goals. You can also select "other" and you'll be given a text box in which to write your own custom category. Below these lists, you'll need to select a date on which the experiment started, and note the temperature, humidity, and pressure of the experiment. We've specified that temperature should be in Celsius and humidity in relative percent; the pressure can be in any units you like, but be sure to write out those units in the box provided!

The second tab is where you'll describe the reactants introduced to the chamber. First, specify whether you introduced seed aerosol to the chamber. If so, you'll need to select what type of seed aerosol was introduced; you can select among the common types provided here, or simply type your own entry. You'll also need to provide an approximate value and units for the initial seed concentration. If you use a sufficiently simple wall loss parameterization, you can enter the adjusted surface area and condensation sink rate coefficient under the "wall loss parameters" heading, but both of these are optional and there will be a place to link this experiment to one of your previously uploaded wall loss characterizations later. If you do write in values here, make sure to add units! In the next section, the oxidant field is required, but you're welcome to select "none" here if you aren't performing an oxidation experiment. If more than one oxidant is participating in your chamber experiment, select the one that represents the dominant oxidative fate of your precursor. 

Next, the reactant section is where you'll enter all the chemical species introduced to the chamber in this experiment. If you didn't introduce any chemicals, say because you're performing a chamber background experiment, you can check this "no reactants were used" box. Otherwise, start by typing a chemical name in the text box. You can also enter a CAS number or a common, non-IUPAC name. Then, click "validate". This will automatically have ICARUS search the PubChem database for your chemical and link to that entry, which makes it much easier for future ICARUS users to search for experiments on a specific compound. If your chemical wasn't identified or was misidentified by PubChem, make sure it's spelled correctly or try a different name; for example, PubChem may not find "NO" or may misidentify it as the element Nobelium, but writing "nitric oxide" or "nitrogen monoxide" will successfully find NO. If you really can't find your chemical in PubChem, you can check the "not in PubChem" box at left. If you introduced this species in the aerosol phase, check the "aerosol" box. [Whether you enter the seed aerosol compound here is up to you.] In the drop-down box to the right of your chemical name, select any categories to which the compound belongs; this will help future ICARUS users find your experiment when searching the database for a class of compounds rather than just a specific chemical. Finally, type the initial concentration of the compound and select a unit for the concentration. 

Once you've finished listing your reactants, the last step on this page is to select or type in the major fate of peroxy radicals formed in the experiment, and to estimate the peroxy radical lifetime. We've made this required so you at least don't forget about it at the bottom here, but of course, you may be performing an experiment that doesn't involve peroxy radicals at all, in which case it's fine to write "N/A" in here, or you may not be able to determine it, in which case you can select "not sure" from the menu. But since this is such an important factor by which ICARUS users will want to sort the experiments, we want to make sure it's filled in if its known.

The third tab is for the experiment description and timeline. The first field is for the experiment title extension; you'll see at the top here, above the tabs, your experiment has already been given a name: it's the bold title starting "ICARUS underscore". This is auto-populated from fields you've already filled in; you can see under the text entry box here exactly how this name is determined. But if you'd like to add anything to the end of the title -- say, if there's something that makes this experiment unique within the dataset but isn't already in the auto-generated title, like humidity or temperature -- you can write it in here. 

The next field is for a narrative description of the experiment goals -- write why you performed this experiment and why you used the reactants and parameters you did, so future ICARUS users will understand what the purpose of this experiment was. In the experiment summary, you don't want to write out a full timeline of what happened -- there will be a space for that later -- but instead, a general brief narrative of what the experiment consisted of and how the experiment went. Here or in the additional notes field at right, you may want to include any information about instrument status, whether you used lights or collected a filter, what you expected to find and whether there were any surprising observations, or whether anything went wrong along the way that may cause gaps or surprises in the data. In general, an ICARUS user should be able to use the information in these fields (and in the timeline that we'll get to soon) to understand why the data look the way the do. 

The next fields are where you can link this experiment to one or more of your pre-existing chamber characterizations. If you used lights in this experiment, for example, you can select one of your light characterizations from the drop-down menu. Under publications, similarly, you can link this experiment to one or more of your pre-uploaded publications on ICARUS, so users know where to look for more information and findings from this experiment. You can highlight multiple publications by control-clicking or command-clicking. 

Next up is the experiment timeline file. Here, you need to upload a two-column CSV file of up to 20 megabytes that lists actions or events during the experiment, in which the first column gives the time and the second column describes the action or event. Your time column should be in consistent units, ideally the same across experiments and matching the units you input to the experiment set time units field. You can also remind users of the time units with a parenthetical in the header of the timeline CSV file. Try to be as comprehensive as possible in this timeline file, including the times at which instruments, lights, filter samples, mixing, temperature control, or chamber injections were turned on or off, and any surprises that happened along the way -- generally, anything that would be needed for a user to interpret the data or to attempt the experiment themselves. Make sure that you don't use commas in your entries in the timeline file; ICARUS checks the file format and will give an error if you have more than two columns, and extra commas in the CSV will get interpreted as extra columns. To the right, enter the number of header rows (probably 1) that ICARUS should skip when reading the timeline file before the first entry. Finally, at the bottom, you can decide whether to immediately publish this experiment publicly to the ICARUS database, or to embargo it, say, until a manuscript is published; you can either log back on and publish it yourself at a later date, or choose a date here at which it should automatically be made public.

The last tab is all about uploading datasets. You'll see that you have a prompt line for every instrument associated with this chamber, but you don't have to upload data for each one; you can select which instrument you're uploading data from on each line, and you can delete lines by clicking the red trash can at right. The data files you upload should be CSV's, just like the timeline, of up to 20 megabytes, and they should follow the format you previously entered on the instrument setup page for the selected instrument. That means the units should be the same as whatever you said they'd be before, as should the number of header lines in your CSV file -- which this page reminds you of with the number in parentheses next to the instrument name. Even though the units can be found on your instrument page, and that metadata will get downloaded with this experiment file any time an ICARUS user accesses your experiment, it can be helpful to future users if you include units in the headers of your CSV data files, including the units and format of the time column. 

Once you've selected all the data files you want to upload, just scroll to the bottom and click "create experiment". You'll be taken to the experiment admin page -- this isn't what other users will see when they access your experiment, but it's the quick summary for you of all the fields you filled out for this experiment. If you need to make any changes, just scroll to the bottom and click "edit experiment". At the top, on the right, you'll see quick buttons for downloading this experiment, in case you want to see what users would get with this experiment, and for duplicating this experiment, in case you want to create another experiment that's similar to the one you just made. This can be very useful in experiment sets when you're uploading many similar experiments with just one or two parameters changed. You'll be taken through creating a new experiment, except almost all the fields will be pre-populated just like the last experiment, with a few exceptions. On the first tab, you'll probably want to select a new date, unless you performed multiple experiments on the same day. On the second tab, you still have to validate your reactants. On the third tab, note that the word "clone" has been added to the title extension, to assure that the experiment name is unique; if you've changed the date, that makes the title unique already, so you can delete "clone" here, or you can add your own extension. Also on the third tab, you'll need to upload a new timeline file, since that can't be the same between the two experiments. And then in the fourth tab, of course, you'll have to upload new data for this experiment. 

Once you've created your new experiment, again, you're taken to the experiment admin page. If you'd like to see what this will look like to a non-admin user, you have a few options, but probably the easiest is to go to the URL, remove "admin/" and change "experiments" to "experiment" singular, and hit enter. Now you can see what an ICARUS user accessing this experiment would find if they got here from a search, which synthesizes the information you entered on this experiment into categories along with info from the experiment set and about your chamber. Browse through the drop-down menus to make sure that the information is correct and displays correctly; in particular, take a look at the timeline to make sure it's formatted correctly, and take a look at the data set plots, where you can graph any of your uploaded data. You can select the data file and the x axis from the drop-down menus; the graph automatically tries to plot every field from the file, but you can turn any of them off by clicking on their legend entry at right. Under the "reactants" tab, you'll now find that your reactants will be linked to their PubChem entries. Finally, under the "citations" tab, your experiment will be given a DOI which you can use to cite it and as a permanent link to this experiment. You may have to wait up to 24 hours after creating the experiment for the DOI to become available. 

And that's ICARUS! Hopefully this introduction has given you all the tools you need to start uploading your chamber experiment data. Thank you for contributing to the ICARUS database!