Experiment: NCAR_20050923_ETHYL ACETATE_Chlorine radical_No Seed_Cl2 / Ethyl Acetate Oxidation, 273 K, 50 Torr O2


Name: NCAR_20050923_ETHYL ACETATE_Chlorine radical_No Seed_Cl2 / Ethyl Acetate Oxidation, 273 K, 50 Torr O2
Date: 2005-09-23


NCAR First Floor Stainless Steel

Experiment Set
Ethyl Acetate Photoxidation versus Temperature and O2 Partial Pressure

Determine atmospheric photoxidation pathways for ethyl acetate, specifically examine chemistry of CH3CH2C(O)OCH(O.)CH3 radical vs. T and O2 partial pressure

Determine end-products of Cl-atom initiated oxidation of ethyl acetate vs. T and O2 partial pressure.

Experiment Details


  • Gas phase chemical reaction
Temperature: 0
Relative Humidity: 0
Seeded Experiment: No
Fuchs Adjusted Surface Area:
Condensation sink rate coefficient: 0
Reaction type:
Oxidant Name: Chlorine radical
Initial Oxidant Concentration Value: 144 (Cl2 Initial Concentration) (parts_per_million)
RO2 Main Fate: Not Sure
RO2 Lifetime: (Seconds)
Pressure: 735 Torr

Data Sets

ID Instrument File  
406 FTIR acetate13.csv

Data Set plots
Choose a file: Choose the X-Axis:

Experiment Set Details

Name: Ethyl Acetate Photoxidation versus Temperature and O2 Partial Pressure
Time format and units: Commencement of chamber fill is defined as t=0. Times are in minutes (and are approximate)
Ethyl Acetate Photoxidation versus Temperature and O2 Partial Pressure



Principal investigator:

John Orlando
Phone: 303 497 1486
E-mail: orlando@ucar.edu

Data Manager:

Geoff Tyndall
Phone: 303 497 1472
E-mail: tyndall@ucar.edu


Reactant Compound type Concentration Concentration units
  • Ester
7.85 Parts Per Million

Timeline_Ethyl_Acetate_#13.csv Timeline

Approx. Time (min) Action
0 Begin Chamber Fill (O2, Cl2, Ethyl Acetate, N2)
10 End Chamber Fill, Start IR Spectrum
14 End IR spectrum, Begin Photolysis (1.5 min)
17 Block Lamp, Start IR spectrum
23 End IR spectrum, Begin Photolysis (1.5 min)
25 Block Lamp, Take IR spectrum
29 End IR spectrum, Begin Photolysis (2.5 min)
32 Block Lamp, Take IR spectrum
35 End IR spectrum, Begin Photolysis (2 min)
38 Block Lamp, Take IR spectrum
43 End IR spectrum, Begin Chamber Evacuation

Light Flux Characterizations:
Particle Loss Characterizations:
Vapor Loss Characterizations:

Chamber Details

Name: NCAR First Floor Stainless Steel
Volume in cubic meters: 0.047
Surface area in cubic meters: 1.15
Flow Mode: Batch
Flow through rate in liters per minute:
Body Material: Stainless Steel
Body thickness:
Replacement date:
Replacement frequency:
Cleaning method: evacuation
o3 background: 0
nox background:
Particle background in micrograms per cubic meter:
Air filtration method:
Mixing method: 0
Mixing method material:
Temparature Control: Yes
Temparature measurements recorded: Yes
Temparature range (min degrees celcius): -50
Temparature range (max degrees celcius): 70
Humidity Control: No
Humidity Measurements Recorded: No
Relative humidity range (min percent):
Relative humidity range (max percent):
Particle experiment capability: 0
Lights: Yes
Light source type(s): Xenon Arc Lamps
Supplemental information:
Additional Notes: