Instrument - High-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer
Short name:
Full name:
High-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer
What is being measured:
Sampling Protocol:
Instrument year
None specified
Data recording software:
ToF-AMS DAQ v4.0.40
Data analysis software:
SQUIRREL v1.61 and PIKA v1.21 modules for Igor Pro
Raw data time resolution:
Maximum of 100 Hz
Analysis data averaging:
Detection limit:
Detection limits for each class of chemical constituents are calculated as three times the standard deviation of blank signals measured from HEPA filter samples taken before each experiment.
Sensitivity to temperature (and correction method, if applicable):
Sensitivity to relative humidity (and correction method, if applicable):
Sampling method:
Collimated particle beam
Sample preparation method:
Sample residence time (chamber to instrument) (seconds):
Length of tubing (cm):
Instrument flow rate:
Tubing inner diameter:
Tubing material:
Chemical identification method:
Ions formed via electron impact ionization are detected with a custom-designed Tofwerk HR-ToF-MS configured in V-mode and operating at a mass resolution of ~2100.
Data analysis method:
Data are analyzed using the SQUIRREL v1.61 and PIKA v1.21 modules for Igor Pro, and are corrected for gas-phase interferences and composition-dependent collection efficiencies.
Quantification method:
The instrumental ionization efficiency is calibrated using dry, 350 nm ammonium nitrate particles. Mass loadings of sulfate, ammonium, chloride, and organic aerosol constitutents are reported as "nitrate equivalent mass loadings (ug/m3)," assuming ionization efficiencies for these species relative to nitrate.
Calibration method:
The instrumental ionization efficiency is calibrated using dry, 350 nm ammonium nitrate particles, generated via atomization of a dilute (0.01 M) aqueous solution of ammonium nitrate and size-selected with a DMA.
Calibration drift estimate:
Low (on the order of weeks)
Calibration schedule:
As Needed
Uncertainty estimation method:
Known interferences:
Mass spectral "air peaks," e.g., N2 interferring with aerosol-derived CO at m/z 28, are the most common interferences.
Link to supplemental information:
Additional notes:
The working principles, modes of operation, and analysis protocols for the HR-ToF-AMS have been extensively documented in the literature, so only brief descriptions are provided here.
Measurement uncertainty:
Measurement units: