Instrument - Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe

Short name:

Full name:
Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe

What is being measured:

Sampling Protocol:



Instrument year :

Data recording software:

Data analysis software:

Raw data time resolution:

Analysis data averaging:

Detection limit:
0-100% RH, -70 to 180 C

Sensitivity to temperature (and correction method, if applicable): :

Sensitivity to relative humidity (and correction method, if applicable): :

Sampling method:
Direct Sampling

Sample preparation method:

Sample residence time (chamber to instrument) (seconds):

Length of tubing (cm):

Instrument flow rate:

Tubing inner diameter:

Tubing material:

Chemical identification method:

Data analysis method:
Calibrate with 4 salts with known relative humidities. The probe is put in an enclosed container with those salts and some water and allowed to sit until it stabilizes.

Quantification method:

Calibration method:
Calibrate with 4 salts with known relative humidities. The probe is put in an enclosed container with those salts and some water and allowed to sit until it stabilizes.

Calibration drift estimate:
Low (on the order of weeks)

Calibration schedule:
6 Months

Uncertainty estimation method:
Temperature: +- 0.1 C, RH: +- 2% (when RH<90%) or +-3% (when RH>90%)

Known interferences:

Link to supplemental information:

Additional notes:
There are three probes: the near bag probe (NB-P), the far bag probe (FB-P), and the flow tube probe (FT-P). Their last calibration dates are:, NB-P: 9/26/2018. FB-P: 7/19/2018. FT-P:

Measurement uncertainty:

Measurement units:
