Instrument - Ground-based Hydrogen Oxides Sensor reporting HO2 (Brune)
Short name:
Full name:
Ground-based Hydrogen Oxides Sensor reporting HO2 (Brune)
What is being measured:
Hydroperoxy radicals (HO2)
Sampling Protocol:
Instrument year
None specified
Data recording software:
Inquire with PI
Data analysis software:
Inquire with PI
Raw data time resolution:
Inquire with PI
Analysis data averaging:
Inquire with PI
Detection limit:
1.4e5 molec/cm3
Sensitivity to temperature (and correction method, if applicable):
Inquire with PI
Sensitivity to relative humidity (and correction method, if applicable):
Inquire with PI
Sampling method:
Direct sampling
Sample preparation method:
Sample residence time (chamber to instrument) (seconds):
Length of tubing (cm):
Instrument flow rate:
Tubing inner diameter:
Inquire with PI
Tubing material:
Stainless Steel
Chemical identification method:
HO2 is converted to OH by reaction with NO. Then OH is detected by Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Data analysis method:
Inquire with PI
Quantification method:
Applying the direct calibration factor for OH
Calibration method:
Producing known amounts of OH in a discharge flow tube, see Brune et al., J. Atmos. Sci., 1995
Calibration drift estimate:
Calibration schedule:
Uncertainty estimation method:
Total uncertainty based on calibration uncertainties
Known interferences:
Interference around instances of high biogenic activity that is temperature dependent (see Mao et al., ACP, 2012). This is corrected for by chemical zeroing.
Link to supplemental information:
Additional notes:
PI is William Brune from Penn State
Measurement uncertainty:
Measurement units: