Instrument - gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector
Short name:
3rd Floor GC-FID
Full name:
gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector
What is being measured:
isoprene, MACR, and MVK
Sampling Protocol:
Model G1530A
Instrument year
None specified
Data recording software:
Data analysis software:
Raw data time resolution:
20 min
Analysis data averaging:
Detection limit:
0.3 ppb
Sensitivity to temperature (and correction method, if applicable):
Sensitivity to relative humidity (and correction method, if applicable):
Sampling method:
Sample preparation method:
Sample residence time (chamber to instrument) (seconds):
Length of tubing (cm):
Instrument flow rate:
Tubing inner diameter:
Tubing material:
Chemical identification method:
Data analysis method:
Quantification method:
Calibration method:
Calibration drift estimate:
Calibration schedule:
Uncertainty estimation method:
Uncertainties are propagated from standard deviations from the calibration curve, as well as calculating the area of each peak by manually selecting the baseline.
Known interferences:
Link to supplemental information:
Additional notes:
Measurement uncertainty:
Measurement units: