Instrument - High Performance Liquid Chromatograph

Short name:
Shimadzu HPLC

Full name:
High Performance Liquid Chromatograph

What is being measured:
Organic particles, gas-phase organics, derivatized organic particles

Sampling Protocol:



Instrument year :
None specified

Data recording software:

Data analysis software:

Raw data time resolution:
6 Hz

Analysis data averaging:

Detection limit:
10 ng

Sensitivity to temperature (and correction method, if applicable): :

Sensitivity to relative humidity (and correction method, if applicable): :

Sampling method:
Injection of liquid extract

Sample preparation method:
Filters extracted in ethyl acetate, standard solutions, synthesized standard solutions

Sample residence time (chamber to instrument) (seconds):

Length of tubing (cm):

Instrument flow rate:

Tubing inner diameter:

Tubing material:

Chemical identification method:
UV-Vis absorption, retention time matching to standards.

Data analysis method:

Quantification method:
Peak areas are converted to concentration by plotting on a calibration curve of standards, either commercial or generated, the amount of solvent used to extract filters, the injection volume, and the mass of the filter, correcting for particle wall loss.

Calibration method:
Calibration curves of commercially available standards, synthesized standards or fractionated standards. Fractionated standards are collected in preweighed vials, evaporated and weighed, then reinjected to determine the sensitivity of the compound. For compounds with no direct calibration, estimates based on sensitivities of analogous compounds containing the same functional groups are used.

Calibration drift estimate:
Low (on the order of weeks)

Calibration schedule:

Uncertainty estimation method:
Uncertainty is estimated at +/- 5%. Uncertainties are propagated from standard deviations of the calibration curve.

Known interferences:

Link to supplemental information:

Additional notes:

Measurement uncertainty:
All Measurements from this instrument have uncertainties of 5% of absolute value.

Measurement units:
All measurements from this instrument have units of mass.
