Organization - Jen Lab
Organization - Jen Lab
Lab Name: Jen Lab
Lab Affiliation: Carnegie Mellon University
Lab Currently Active: Yes
Legal Constraints Statement:
The Principal Investigator (PI) and institution retain any and all rights to the data that they generated. Use of ICARUS shared data in published materials or materials under review, including peer-reviewed publications or submissions, conference presentations, reports, and proposals, requires notification of the PI. For materials meant for dissemination that significantly depend on the data shared by specific PIs, the database user is required to offer the specific PI(s), and associated coworkers, co-authorship in said publications. When ICARUS data are used in published materials, the data should be cited and the DOI for the Experiment or Experiment Set should be provided in the Data Availability statement.
Access Constraints Statement:
These data are openly accessible by all registered users. Accounts are available free of charge following the registration of user information with a valid email address.
Principal investigator:
Coty N Jen
Data Manager:
Coty Jen
ID | Name | Experiment Sets (count) |
564 | 4 LPM Flow Reactor | 0 |