Experiment: UCR-CECERT-APL-Cocker Group_20110416_M-XYLENE/H2O2_Hydroxyl radical_No Seed_EPA1412B - Shun


Name: UCR-CECERT-APL-Cocker Group_20110416_M-XYLENE/H2O2_Hydroxyl radical_No Seed_EPA1412B - Shun
Date: 2011-04-16


EPA chamber

Experiment Set
Sara Li_Old test

Photo-oxidation of 2,4-DMP with OH under black lights

Targets: 2,4-DMP 200ppb (A), m-xylene 200ppb (B), H2O2 1ppm (both) INSTRUMENTS: PILS-ToF, GC1,2, SMPS, vTDMA, APM, AMS, filters

Additional Notes
east bag leaky

Experiment Details


  • Photolysis, any phase
  • Aerosol formation
  • Aerosol aging
  • Blank/Control
Temperature: 28
Relative Humidity: 0.01
Seeded Experiment: No
Fuchs Adjusted Surface Area:
Condensation sink rate coefficient: 0.01
Reaction type:
Oxidant Name: Hydroxyl radical
Initial Oxidant Concentration Value: N/A (molecules_per_cubic_centimeter)
RO2 Main Fate: HO2
RO2 Lifetime: (Seconds)
Pressure: 0.015'' H2O

Data Set plots
Choose a file: Choose the X-Axis:

Experiment Set Details

Name: Sara Li_Old test
Time format and units:
To investigate the SOA yield from DEGEE in low NOx condition.



Principal investigator:

David Cocker
E-mail: dcocker@engr.ucr.edu

Data Manager:

Chen Le
Phone: 9516603455
E-mail: cle030@ucr.edu


Reactant Compound type Concentration Concentration units
M-XYLENE (7929) 200 Parts Per Billion
H2O2 1 Parts Per Million

20110416_EPA 1412 24-DMP + H2O2 A_ m-xylene + H2O2 B_TimeLine.csv Timeline

Time (America/Los_Angeles) Action
10:55 Shun; Target: 2.4-DMP + H2O2 A; m-xylene + H2O2 B
10:56 NO/COspan starts; flow 2|40|off|40
11:17 Teco2 NO 99.32; NOx 98.18; CO 9.66
11:29 GPT span starts; flow 2|40|2|40
11:53 Teco2 NO 22.46; NOx 91.21; CO 9.68 NO2/PAN NO2 155.44
11:54 O3 span starts; flow 2|40|2|off
12:00 Inject 100uL PF into both bag
12:01 Fill air off
12:10 Inject 400uL H2O2 into both bags
12:18 O3 #2 83.98; Starting E--W--Z sampling
12:36 Mix W-E bag for 4 mins
12:49 Close valve 14
12:52 Inject 2.4-DMP 80uL into West
12:57 Inject m-xylene 80 uL into East
13:59 Heaters off; Blacklights on (8 bulbs out)
17:57 Start filter sampling from West #1
18:28 Stop filter sampling
18:37 Start filter sampling from West #2
19:08 Stop filter sampling
19:14 Start filter sampling from West #3
19:44 Stop filter sampling
19:50 Start filter sampling from West #4
20:21 Stop filter sampling
20:27 Start filter sampling from West #5
21:14 Stop filter sampling
21:31 Blacklights off

Light Flux Characterizations:
Particle Loss Characterizations:
Vapor Loss Characterizations:

Chamber Details

Name: EPA chamber
Volume in cubic meters: 84.2
Shape: Rectangular Prism
Surface area in cubic meters: 126
Flow Mode: Batch
Flow through rate in liters per minute:
Body Material: Teflon
Body thickness: 2
Replacement date: 2017-11-07
Replacement frequency: As needed
Cleaning method: Flushing with air Flushing with air with UV lights on Oxidation Wipe with ultra-pure water if needed
o3 background: 10
nox background: 0
Particle background in micrograms per cubic meter: 0
Air filtration method: The chamber is using zero air from our air purification system
Mixing method: 0
Mixing method material:
Temparature Control: Yes
Temparature measurements recorded: Yes
Temparature range (min degrees celcius): 5
Temparature range (max degrees celcius): 45
Humidity Control: Yes
Humidity Measurements Recorded: Yes
Relative humidity range (min percent): 0.01
Relative humidity range (max percent): 80
Particle experiment capability: 1
Lights: Yes
Light source type(s): 350nm UVA Black Lamps
Supplemental information:
Additional Notes: