Experiment: Browne Lab_20210317_Hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane/Chlorine/Acetonitrile_Chlorine radical_No Seed_Clone


Name: Browne Lab_20210317_Hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane/Chlorine/Acetonitrile_Chlorine radical_No Seed_Clone
Date: 2021-03-17

Browne Lab

Browne Lab Main Chamber

Experiment Set
D3 Experiments

Oxidize D3 using Cl2 as the oxidant precursor to promote RO2 radical isomerizaion/autooxidation reactions.

The difunctional product, the formate ester + siloxanol was the largest product detected.

Experiment Details


  • Gas phase chemical reaction
Temperature: 25
Relative Humidity: 0-5
Seeded Experiment: No
Fuchs Adjusted Surface Area:
Condensation sink rate coefficient: 0-5
Reaction type:
Oxidant Name: Chlorine radical
Initial Oxidant Concentration Value: 1e6 (molecules_per_cubic_centimeter)
RO2 Main Fate: Autoxidation/Isomerization
RO2 Lifetime: 27 (Seconds)
Pressure: 860

Data Set plots
Choose a file: Choose the X-Axis:

Experiment Set Details

Name: D3 Experiments
Time format and units: CIMS time is in number of seconds since Jan 1st, 1904 in UTC. NOx data is in M/D/Y Hr:Min:Sec format in local time.
CIMS and NOx data (if available) for measurements of D3 oxidation with conditions favoring different peroxy radical fates. Three radical precursors were used: HONO, H2O2, and Cl2.


  • Mitchell Alton University of Colorado at Boulder
  • Eleanor Browne University of Colorado at Boulder


Principal investigator:

Eleanor Browne
Phone: 303-735-7685
E-mail: eleanor.browne@colorado.edu
OrcID: 0000-0002-8076-9455

Data Manager:

Mitchell Alton
E-mail: mitchell.alton@colorado.edu


Reactant Compound type Concentration Concentration units
Hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (10914) 80 Parts Per Billion
Chlorine (24526) 15 Parts Per Billion
Acetonitrile (6342)
  • Nitrile
1 Parts Per Million

D3Cl2_20210317_Logs.csv Timeline

Acquisition started (ID# 0) 3698847438
chamber background 3698847448
overflowing inlet for inastrument background 3698847500
back to sampling chamber 3698848268
adding Cl2 3698848326
adding D3 soln 20ul 3698848424
done adding Cl2. Letting everything mix 3698849080
6 bulbs (3 pairs) 36-nm lights on 3698850385
End of acquisition 3698851045
Acquisition started (ID# 1) 3698851045
End of acquisition 3698854653
Acquisition started (ID# 2) 3698854653
End of acquisition 3698858260
Acquisition started (ID# 3) 3698858260
lights off 3698858597
Acquisition aborted after 246 complete writes. 9 additional bufs in the incomplete last write. 3698860735

Light Flux Characterizations:
Particle Loss Characterizations:
Vapor Loss Characterizations:

Chamber Details

Name: Browne Lab Main Chamber
Volume in cubic meters: 1
Surface area in cubic meters: 8
Flow Mode: Batch
Flow through rate in liters per minute:
Body Material: Teflon
Body thickness: 2
Replacement date: 2017-10-01
Replacement frequency: As needed
Cleaning method: Flushing with air Flushing with air with UV lights on Oxidation
o3 background:
nox background:
Particle background in micrograms per cubic meter:
Air filtration method: Uses Aadco clean air
Mixing method: 0
Mixing method material:
Temparature Control: No
Temparature measurements recorded: No
Temparature range (min degrees celcius):
Temparature range (max degrees celcius):
Humidity Control: Yes
Humidity Measurements Recorded: Yes
Relative humidity range (min percent): 0
Relative humidity range (max percent): 80
Particle experiment capability: 1
Lights: Yes
Light source type(s): Up to 10 fluorescent bulbs centered at 370nm, Up to 4 fluorescent bulbs centered at 254nm
Supplemental information:
Additional Notes: