Publication: Identification and Quantification of 4‑Nitrocatechol Formed from OH and NO3 Radical-Initiated Reactions of Catechol in Air in the Presence of NOx: Implications for Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Biomass Burning

Publication - Identification and Quantification of 4‑Nitrocatechol Formed from OH and NO3 Radical-Initiated Reactions of Catechol in Air in the Presence of NOx: Implications for Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Biomass Burning

Title: Identification and Quantification of 4‑Nitrocatechol Formed from OH and NO3 Radical-Initiated Reactions of Catechol in Air in the Presence of NOx: Implications for Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Biomass Burning
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b05864
Publication Year: 2018
Author list: Finewax, Z.; de Gouw, J. A.; Ziemann, P. J.
Journal Short Name: Environ. Sci. Technol.
Publisher: American Chemical Society

Catechol (1,2-benzenediol) is emitted from biomass burning and produced from a reaction of phenol with OH radicals. It has been suggested as an important secondary organic aerosol (SOA) precursor, but the mechanisms of gas-phase oxidation and SOA formation have not been investigated in detail. In this study, catechol was reacted with OH and NO3 radicals in the presence of NOx in an environmental chamber to simulate daytime and nighttime chemistry. These reactions produced SOA with exceptionally high mass yields of 1.34 ± 0.20 and 1.50 ± 0.20, respectively, reflecting the low volatility and high density of reaction products. The dominant SOA product, 4-nitrocatechol, for which an authentic standard is available, was identified through thermal desorption particle beam mass spectrometry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and was quantified in filter samples by liquid chromatography using UV detection. Molar yields of 4-nitrocatechol were 0.30 ± 0.03 and 0.91 ± 0.06 for reactions with OH and NO3 radicals, and thermal desorption measurements of volatility indicate that it is semivolatile at typical atmospheric aerosol loadings, consistent with field studies that have observed it in aerosol particles. Formation of 4-nitrocatechol is initiated by abstraction of a phenolic H atom by an OH or NO3 radical to form a β-hydroxyphenoxy/o-semiquinone radical, which then reacts with NO2 to form the final product.

Additional Notes

Experiments (6)

ID Name Start date Experiment Category Reaction Type Reactant(s) Oxidant Name Temperature Humidity Type of Seed RO2 Main Fate Data Sets (count) Actions
143 Ziemann_20160218_pyrocatechol/nitric oxide/methyl nitrite_Hydroxyl radical_Dioctyl Sebacate_Catechol + OH/NOx_highConc 2016-02-18 Gas phase chemical reaction, Aerosol formation Photooxidation pyrocatechol, nitric oxide, methyl nitrite Hydroxyl radical 23 1 Dioctyl Sebacate NO 0 Download
144 Ziemann_20160216_pyrocatechol/nitric oxide/Methyl nitrite_Hydroxyl radical_Dioctyl Sebacate_Catechol + OH/NOx_lowConc 2016-02-16 Gas phase chemical reaction, Aerosol formation Photooxidation pyrocatechol, nitric oxide, Methyl nitrite Hydroxyl radical 23 1 Dioctyl Sebacate NO 1 Download
145 Ziemann_20160414_pyrocatechol/Dinitrogen pentoxide_Nitrate radical_Dioctyl Sebacate_Catechol + NO3_1 2016-04-14 Gas phase chemical reaction, Aerosol formation Dark oxidation pyrocatechol, Dinitrogen pentoxide Nitrate radical 23 1 Dioctyl Sebacate NO3 4 Download
147 Ziemann_20171111_pyrocatechol/Dinitrogen pentoxide_Nitrate radical_Dioctyl Sebacate_Catechol + NO3_2 2017-11-11 Gas phase chemical reaction, Aerosol formation Dark oxidation pyrocatechol, Dinitrogen pentoxide Nitrate radical 23 1 Dioctyl Sebacate NO3 0 Download
161 Ziemann_20160223_pyrocatechol/nitric oxide/methyl nitrite_Hydroxyl radical_Dioctyl Sebacate_Catechol + OH/NOx_lowVOC:Ox 2016-02-23 Gas phase chemical reaction, Aerosol formation Photooxidation pyrocatechol, nitric oxide, methyl nitrite Hydroxyl radical 23 1 Dioctyl Sebacate NO 0 Download
162 Ziemann_20170827_pyrocatechol/nitric oxide/Methyl nitrite_Hydroxyl radical_Dioctyl Sebacate_Catechol + OH/NOx_highNO 2017-08-27 Gas phase chemical reaction, Aerosol formation Photooxidation pyrocatechol, nitric oxide, Methyl nitrite Hydroxyl radical 23 1 Dioctyl Sebacate NO 1 Download