Experiment Set: Catechol Reactions

Experiment Set: Catechol Reactions
Name: Catechol Reactions
Time format and units: Time is defined as (hh:mm) local time.



Janet (Chamber 1)

Catechol was reacted with OH and NO3 radicals in the presence of NOx to investigate SOA formation of a biomass burning VOC under daytime and night time conditions, respectively. Reactions were conducted in the presence of NOx to simulate biomass burning conditions.

No collaborators were defined

Experiments (7)

ID Name Start date Experiment Category Reaction Type Reactant(s) Oxidant Name Temperature Humidity Type of Seed RO2 Main Fate Data Sets (count) Actions
143 Ziemann_20160218_pyrocatechol/nitric oxide/methyl nitrite_Hydroxyl radical_Dioctyl Sebacate_Catechol + OH/NOx_highConc 2016-02-18 Gas phase chemical reaction, Aerosol formation Photooxidation pyrocatechol, nitric oxide, methyl nitrite Hydroxyl radical 23 1 Dioctyl Sebacate NO 0 Download
144 Ziemann_20160216_pyrocatechol/nitric oxide/Methyl nitrite_Hydroxyl radical_Dioctyl Sebacate_Catechol + OH/NOx_lowConc 2016-02-16 Gas phase chemical reaction, Aerosol formation Photooxidation pyrocatechol, nitric oxide, Methyl nitrite Hydroxyl radical 23 1 Dioctyl Sebacate NO 1 Download
145 Ziemann_20160414_pyrocatechol/Dinitrogen pentoxide_Nitrate radical_Dioctyl Sebacate_Catechol + NO3_1 2016-04-14 Gas phase chemical reaction, Aerosol formation Dark oxidation pyrocatechol, Dinitrogen pentoxide Nitrate radical 23 1 Dioctyl Sebacate NO3 4 Download
147 Ziemann_20171111_pyrocatechol/Dinitrogen pentoxide_Nitrate radical_Dioctyl Sebacate_Catechol + NO3_2 2017-11-11 Gas phase chemical reaction, Aerosol formation Dark oxidation pyrocatechol, Dinitrogen pentoxide Nitrate radical 23 1 Dioctyl Sebacate NO3 0 Download
161 Ziemann_20160223_pyrocatechol/nitric oxide/methyl nitrite_Hydroxyl radical_Dioctyl Sebacate_Catechol + OH/NOx_lowVOC:Ox 2016-02-23 Gas phase chemical reaction, Aerosol formation Photooxidation pyrocatechol, nitric oxide, methyl nitrite Hydroxyl radical 23 1 Dioctyl Sebacate NO 0 Download
162 Ziemann_20170827_pyrocatechol/nitric oxide/Methyl nitrite_Hydroxyl radical_Dioctyl Sebacate_Catechol + OH/NOx_highNO 2017-08-27 Gas phase chemical reaction, Aerosol formation Photooxidation pyrocatechol, nitric oxide, Methyl nitrite Hydroxyl radical 23 1 Dioctyl Sebacate NO 1 Download